Discovering Your Purpose

In this episode of Next Wave Leadership, Lawrence Ford, renowned entrepreneur, author, and spiritual leader, sits down with Dov Pollack to discuss his real-life journey towards self-actualization—and how you can find an enlightened purpose, too! Listen in as Lawrence talks about his concept of life’s “seasons,” the importance of practicing consistent meditation, and some of the most transformative elements of his book, The Secrets of the Seasons: You’re Here for a Reason. Stay tuned!

It’s time to play…

Here’s what to expect:

  • Lawrence reveals how—and why—his company Future Capital knits consciousness and capital together
  • What is Lawrence’s theory of “seasons,” and how can it help you live a fuller life?
  • Dov and Lawrence discuss the dangers of chasing after someone else’s dream instead of your own
  • The importance of empowering the people around you to achieve their maximum potential
  • Lawrence explains the concept of “hotspots” from his book, The Secrets of the Seasons
  • How Lawrence practices meditation and prioritizes long-term mindful habits
  • What reaching the “fourth season” feels like (hint: it’s not all rainbows and butterflies!)
  • Lawrence’s professional passion for transforming the world’s perception of wealth